Think Differently About What’s Possible

Thinking in new ways is often easier said than done. Especially when thinking about the education of our youth. There are many needs we have that can be conflicted when we think about the ways we educate. The need to keep our kids safe and secure can mean keeping a stable and consistent learning environment for students. The need to be creative and think outside the box can mean disrupting the way we have always done education and experimenting with new methods.

Many of us know that failure is a part of trying new things. Struggling and challenging ourselves is a part of maturing and growing as a person, but it also requires getting out of the safety of our comfort zone. Why should we sacrifice some security for creating new ways of teaching and learning? Most obviously, the world is changing at an ever increasing pace. In order for students to be prepared for the future of work, they have to be adaptable. But also, the kids want school to be different..

Ask a student if they like school, most will say no. Ask a student if they like to learn, most give an enthusiastic YES! They also know that the safety of school instruction is temporary, but the need to learn and adapt is lifelong. Really, if we are to protect our kids and provide them with the security that they need to lead a successful life then we must think differently about what’s possible for the future of educating students at Fairmont High School. The purpose of this Think Differently blog will be to highlight the possibilities for education at Fairmont, as well as the people who are already approaching education in inspiring ways. Subscribe to this blog and be part of the conversation about what’s possible at Fairmont High School.

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