Tim Johnson

Why I Became an Educator

My parents valued education greatly! They instilled in my brother and I the belief that without a quality education you cannot reach your full potential. I want students to be able to reach their full potential. I have been blessed to work in districts that provide students with opportunities to do so.

Tim Johnson

What excites me about my role at Fairmont?

Fairmont has so many resources to help students of all abilities. Talking to and helping students map out their high school experience, as well preparing students for college, career, military, and/or trade school options has always been exciting to me.

My favorite thing about being a Firebird is…

How we (staff, parents, students) all have school pride and pull for each other. Teachers diversifying for individual needs of students, athletes attending musicals and band competitions, and packed stands at all events, are all common occurences here at Fairmont!

Funniest thing a student said to me in the last few weeks…

“Mr. Johnson, you’re the man! You hunt, run the school, direct traffic, AND you’re a rapper! Is there anything you can’t do?”

One thing I hope a Fairmont graduate leaves with after high school…The belief that they can accomplish anythig they set their mind to and more importantly the work ethic to actually do it!

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