Chris Weaver

Why I Became an Educator

I became an Athletic Director because athletics have always been a big part of my life. I wanted to be involved in a career that I was passionate about! The lessons I learned from being part of a TEAM are invaluable and helped shape who I am, as a person, today. As a leader, I want to share my passion and experience with student athletes and coaches in support of their dreams and goals.

Chris Weaver

What excites me about my role at Fairmont?

As the Athletic Director, what excites me the most is seeing athletes, coaches and teams working together to accomplish one common goal, and achieving it! There is no greater joy than to see the smiles and excitement from our student athletes when they accomplish a goal they have invested so much into reaching.

My favorite thing about being a Firebird is…

Being part of a GREAT TEAM. The Firebird Community is strong and very passionate about providing the best opportunities for ALL their students – inside and and outside of the classroom. This Leadership Team always puts the student first. We are focused on providing the best learning opportunities for every student. That shared focus creates such a strong culture. I love being part of the Firebird Team. I feel great to be surround by other like minded leaders that want to impact the lives of our young students in such a positive way! Firebirds are Transformational Leaders!

Funniest thing a student said to me in the last few weeks…

“I had a golf match today and I left my backpack and lunchbox in the room designated for golf clubs. When we came back from the match I went to get my things, and there were little tiny ants all over and inside my lunchbox. How does that happen?”

One thing I hope a Fairmont graduate leaves with after high school…I hope our graduates leave with true Firebird Pride!

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